One Name Study of Gronow / Gronnow / Goronwy

One Name Study of Gronow / Gronnow / Goronwy

Monday, March 19, 2018

Recently Acquired Certificates


Margaret Gronow June Qtr. 1843 Bridgend & Cowbridge Vol.26 page 328.

Margaret Gronow September Qtr. 1843 Bridgend & Cowbridge Vol.26 page 320.

John Gronow June Qtr. 1856  Bridgend & Cowbridge Vol.11a page 415.

Thomas Gronow June Qtr. 1861 Bridgend & Cowbridge Vol.11a page 432.


Elizabeth Gronow September Qtr. 1847 Taunton Vol.10 page 663.

Unteroffizier Herbert Gronow

 An interesting item recently caught my attention :

Unteroffizier(1) Herbert Gronow. Zweitschrift(2) issued in September 1944 while recovering from a fourth wound. Gronow had been wounded twice in 1942 (the first time by frostbite), then by a bullet in October 1943, and finally by shrapnel with Jäger-Regiment 227 of the 100. Jäger-Division in the Ukraine, August 1944. He was awarded the Eisernes Kreuz 2. (3) Klasse, the Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz (4) upgraded to Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber, and the Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber.(5) He rejoined his old unit on the front in March 1945 and was issued the Sturmgewehr 44! The 100. Jäger-Division retreated through Yugoslavia and surrendered to the Russians in Silesia. It looks like Gronow survived the war. It looks like an award was censored both on the portrait photo and on the awards page - probably the EKI. Nice portrait photo in late war Feldbluse.

(1)Unteroffizier is a military rank of the Bundeswehr and of former German-speaking armed forces (Heer and Luftwaffe). The equivalent in anglophone armed forces is sergeant or staff sergeant. However, Unteroffizier is also the collective name for all non-commissioned officers.
(2) Duplicate. (3)  Iron Cross 2nd Class.(4) awarded to wounded or frostbitten soldiers.
(5) Recognition for infantrymen who had proven themselves in the assault.
