One Name Study of Gronow / Gronnow / Goronwy

One Name Study of Gronow / Gronnow / Goronwy

Friday, August 30, 2013

Soldiers Wills

Many British soldiers who served on the front lines of World War I carried with them a handwritten last will and testament. Often the soldier’s will was kept in his paybook–a booklet that contained identity papers and notes on what the soldier was owed for his service. Many paybooks and the wills inside them were lost in the chaos of war. But it turns out that more than a quarter of a million of these wills have been stored by Her Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service. They’ve been digitized and made available online. So far only the years 1914-1921 are searchable online.

So far indexed are three Gronow Wills.
GRONOW Arthur,  10th July 1916  Reg.No. 17053

GRONOW Charles, 12th November 1916  Reg.No. 14164

GRONOW Sydney David, 21st January 1917  Reg.No. 2207
