One Name Study of Gronow / Gronnow / Goronwy

One Name Study of Gronow / Gronnow / Goronwy

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In Memoriam
Gaye Tara Gronow
30th September 1957
Trier, Bitburg. West Germany.
24th August 2007
Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
I corresponded many times over the last 7 years with Gaye, who had a passionate interest in her family history and although at the time she was going through a battle with Cancer, she was always very positive and uplifting in her spirit. Although the family originally came from Wales, then settled in Australia and then ultimately to Canada, Gaye was interested in all aspects of her family connections. She will be sorely missed by everyone who knew her. Gaye is survived by her daughter Amber.
